Histology Core
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Histology Core Home
The Histology Core laboratory serves as a primary resource for the Department of Physiology and Biophysics faculty, staff and students as well as investigators from external departments and institutions on a fee-for-service basis.
The laboratory is staffed by Danielle Torrain and directed by Heather A. Drummond, PhD. Both are available to assist with any inquiries.
We have moved to an online submission management system. Directions for registering with the iLab system and for submitting service requests are located within the iLab tab to the left. ALL users (Principle Investigator or Basic User, a member of a PI's research group) must register and set up an account through the iLab site listed above.
However, please be aware that a Principal Investigator must set up their account first and specify the Basic Users that have access to their account. If you are already a user of iLab via another institution, you do not need to register again and you can log into our core system using your already established iLab credentials.
Submissions for the Histology Core:
If you have trouble registering for the site, please contact Danielle Torrain at dtorrain@umc.edu for assistance.
General histology: Routine processing, embedding and sectioning of paraffin and frozen tissues. Glycomethacrylate processing and sectioning is available upon request.
Special histological staining: A wide array of routine and special histological staining is performed in accordance with established Protocols. PAS, HE, etc.
Immunohistochemistry: Manual and automated immunohistochemistry services are available for established procedures and protocols. Consultation services are available for developing new protocols for antibodies with unknown specificities.
Light microscopy, epifluorescence and image analysis: The laboratory offers services and training in assessment of basic histology as well as more complex image analysis (e.g. quantitative analysis of immunohistochemical data, stereology).
Vibrotome for gelatin sections.
General training: Training for microtome use, cryosectioning, histological or immunohistochemical staining and image analysis is available at an hourly rate.
Contact us
- Dr. Heather Drummond, Professor
Phone: (601) 984-1812
Email: hdrummond@umc.edu - Danielle Torrain
Phone: (601) 984-1935
Email: dtorrain@umc.edu